Friday 10 August 2012

Decisions, Decisions.

Life has some tough choices to make, that's for sure. Some people hate making decisions, while others would love to make everyone else's for them.
There are hard things to choose between, and there are things that don't really matter. I think girls take way too much time to decide on things, but love coming to a resolution. For example, us guys will never hear the end of how exhilarating shopping is. The blunt reality becomes evident when we finally agree to go on an expedition through the mall. Girls will take up more time deciding on a green or red T-shirt than I've spent shopping in my life.
Now, if you were looking at buying a vehicle, that would be different. Spending that time on something you are going to wear three times before donating it to a thrift store is simply unnecessary.
I hate those decisions you don't have time or resources to make. Like waiting to decide whether or not the volleyball is going out or not, letting it hit the floor, and concluding too late that you should have hit it. Or deciding between two cookie recipes, then when you are halfway through one, you realize that you should have chose the other one, because you lack a vital required ingredient.

Been there, done that.

Then there are decisions you don't want to make, like when your mom says to you as you are still in bed: "The coffee is getting cold, you lazy bum!" on a weekend morning. Should you get out of bed and enjoy the hot coffee? Or should you get thirty-four more precious minutes of sleep?


Decisions, decisions.

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