Friday 24 August 2012

An Extra Long Post

Remember when you were a little kid, and you played hockey or soccer with your friends? There was always one or two kids arguing like crazy over some rule that nobody else knew about. These guys were always the leaders in your little gang, usually bigger than the other kids, smarter, more popular. Sometimes it was your friend's older sibling, or a little brat who was cousins with most of the guys, giving him the most say. Whoever it was, they were the boss. Everyone did what they said, and nobody questioned them.
These kind of people drive me crazy. People who shoot when there's no goalie in the net. Or cheat at a game of monopoly. Then they grow up to be millionaires, with no post secondary education, they just get lucky and win the lottery or something ridiculous like that. That isn't fair. The worst part about it is that they also tend to brag about how good they are. Really, they are total losers who got lucky because of who they are or something that made them important by chance, not by earning it.
Its kind of like a dictatorship system.

Okay. That was a useless rant.

Now I Have to back it with something awesome!

Ah, of course. I forgot to tell you all about my vacation! Quite simply, it was enough fun to last me a whole month. Where did I go? Temagemi. Where in the world is that, and how come you have never heard of it? Because it's a miniscule town in northern Ontario. Basically it consists of a bunch of cottages on a glassy-surfaced lake in the middle of nowhere. It rained whem we were up there, but that was ok. We went with the Weilinga and Benjamin families. We caught a huge lack of fish, and the lake water was colder than a slush puppy, but other than that, it was a great vacation.

Oh, and I love orange font.
Hence all that.

Till I blog again!

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M     M    M   A   A        T         T

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