Friday 31 August 2012


Oh man, it just kicked in. My brain has finally acknowledged that school indeed does exist, and in fact, starts on Tuesday!


No more work, no more hot, lazy days, and no more vacation. Instead, now I am about to embark upon a new school year. Grade 11, driving, and a LOT of homework have now worked themselves into my top priorities list.


Hopefully I don't make as much of a fool of myself as I did last year, although that was fun. I doubt I am going to be able to help it, anyway.
For the record, our class has an addition this year. Heather Vanmanan(if that's how you spell it) is joining! Please welcome her. Oh, another new thing- its grade 11. Now, if ever, is when your grades count the most, so I'm gonna try as hard as possible. Especially in math. I hate(extremely dislike, if you're a purist) math. It is one thing that drives me insane. Writing out three pages of mistakes just to figure out that the answer is "2", and THEN getting it totally wrong is the most useless thing to spend your time on. And then they go and tell you that video games are a waste of time. Sure, but at least they are FUN!


And then there is shop class. You write a report, do extensive research, create a design, figure out what is your weakest and strongest points... The list goes on. Oh, did I mention you were doing this to see who could make the Popsicle stick bridge the strongest? Yep. Useless again. I'm taking a lot of biology this year. I hope that will be fun. Learning that we get to dissect a pig is what made me choose the course. That, and physics looks a lot like math. Lots of English and writing is my kind of thing. Hence the blog. Of course, included with that is shakespeare.

Oh boy.

Anyways, this post is too long already,
So I'm going to call it a time out.
Good night!

Till my next post,


Tuesday 28 August 2012

Dad and me wakeboarding.

I'm the hot guy with the weird expressions in the blue. Dad is the fat guy with the weird expressions in the green... :)

Drivers Education

Well, that makes it sound official, anyways. Yeah, that's right. I'm now a "student" driver. It makes me feel so naive sitting in these stupid classes learning what a stop sign is. Oh well, at least I won't have to learn how to do a mortgage in order to pay for insurance.
Oh, and anybody who goes to a driving school, take Mikes. He's totally intimidating at first, but hilarious. The guy has a tattoo on his forehead, how bad could it be, right? Heh. Wrong. He's just as boring as anybody else. But he has a sense of humor, which I greatly respect and take a huge advantage of. From the laughing at crashes in instructional videos to crossing his eyes when somebody says something so stupid it's exasperating, he's actually not bad.
Still boring, but not bad.


Sure makes the MTO people look like retards- never a bad thing.

Till next post!


Friday 24 August 2012

An Extra Long Post

Remember when you were a little kid, and you played hockey or soccer with your friends? There was always one or two kids arguing like crazy over some rule that nobody else knew about. These guys were always the leaders in your little gang, usually bigger than the other kids, smarter, more popular. Sometimes it was your friend's older sibling, or a little brat who was cousins with most of the guys, giving him the most say. Whoever it was, they were the boss. Everyone did what they said, and nobody questioned them.
These kind of people drive me crazy. People who shoot when there's no goalie in the net. Or cheat at a game of monopoly. Then they grow up to be millionaires, with no post secondary education, they just get lucky and win the lottery or something ridiculous like that. That isn't fair. The worst part about it is that they also tend to brag about how good they are. Really, they are total losers who got lucky because of who they are or something that made them important by chance, not by earning it.
Its kind of like a dictatorship system.

Okay. That was a useless rant.

Now I Have to back it with something awesome!

Ah, of course. I forgot to tell you all about my vacation! Quite simply, it was enough fun to last me a whole month. Where did I go? Temagemi. Where in the world is that, and how come you have never heard of it? Because it's a miniscule town in northern Ontario. Basically it consists of a bunch of cottages on a glassy-surfaced lake in the middle of nowhere. It rained whem we were up there, but that was ok. We went with the Weilinga and Benjamin families. We caught a huge lack of fish, and the lake water was colder than a slush puppy, but other than that, it was a great vacation.

Oh, and I love orange font.
Hence all that.

Till I blog again!

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M     M    M   A   A        T         T

Friday 10 August 2012

Decisions, Decisions.

Life has some tough choices to make, that's for sure. Some people hate making decisions, while others would love to make everyone else's for them.
There are hard things to choose between, and there are things that don't really matter. I think girls take way too much time to decide on things, but love coming to a resolution. For example, us guys will never hear the end of how exhilarating shopping is. The blunt reality becomes evident when we finally agree to go on an expedition through the mall. Girls will take up more time deciding on a green or red T-shirt than I've spent shopping in my life.
Now, if you were looking at buying a vehicle, that would be different. Spending that time on something you are going to wear three times before donating it to a thrift store is simply unnecessary.
I hate those decisions you don't have time or resources to make. Like waiting to decide whether or not the volleyball is going out or not, letting it hit the floor, and concluding too late that you should have hit it. Or deciding between two cookie recipes, then when you are halfway through one, you realize that you should have chose the other one, because you lack a vital required ingredient.

Been there, done that.

Then there are decisions you don't want to make, like when your mom says to you as you are still in bed: "The coffee is getting cold, you lazy bum!" on a weekend morning. Should you get out of bed and enjoy the hot coffee? Or should you get thirty-four more precious minutes of sleep?


Decisions, decisions.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Every Man For Himself.

Do you ever think, that a lot of the time, you care to much about yourself? Or cheer yourself on, completely disregarding others? Maybe it's time to think about the other guy beside you who is looking a bit glum, and give him a high five. You can't expect compassion if you don't give any away. Instead of taking the shot, pass to your teammate and let them score. Instead of telling your friends about your own skills and abilities, try mentioning some other kid who isn't popular or accepted. If you are looking for respect in yourself, you won't find it. Only others will ever be able to give you a satisfaction, based on your attitudes towards them. I'm no expert on this stuff, but I do know that if somebody treats me nice, I want to be nice back! If somebody is continuously mean and rejects me, I don't have a lot of patience for them. It is a simple circle, but it's how we were created. What about God? We think about ourselves, but how do you think he feels? He clothes and feeds us, and chances are if you can read this, he has put you into one of the more wealthy families on the planet! How do you treat him back? I know I sure don't give him very much respect. I have no one to blame but myself and my sinful nature for that. So next time you think you are being treated unfairly, think about the fact that every man is for himself, and try to change that rule by thinking about others first.

I didn't mean to preach a sermon, and I'm the last person you want to listen to. I'm just making a statement, because I know I think to much about me. I hope I provoked some intense thinking though. I don't know, maybe I think too much, anyways.

Till we meet again! (or my next post)

Yours truly, Matt Wolfe.

P.S.-;)wink;) for added effect.

Sunday 5 August 2012