Wednesday 12 September 2012

Behold, my throne!

First off, right here, I will openly admit the fact that I take forever and a half in the shower. The steamy environment is perfect for thought and pondering about questions that don't need to be answered. Our shower is one of those mini showers with a seat in it for old people, which I have recently dubbed as my throne. The shower, previously thought to be only a place of getting clean, is obviously more than that. It is a place of serenity and ultimate wetness. The hot liquid that graciously rains down upon you as you blissfully ignore the pounding on the door of the bathroom is a type of therapy. The only problem is if you have curly hair, which makes shampooing simply a pain in the neck. Trust me, I know. The one thing lacking in most showers is a stereo, to play very relaxing and soothing music as you unwind after a long day. Of course, then your family would relentlessly pound on the door telling you to shut it off, in which case you would check to make sure the door is locked, then crank it so loud that it clears the steam out of the room. Oh, another fun thing about the shower: making faces in the mirror afterwards. Hint - never do this unless you are sure nobody is watching you.

Till the next post!

1 comment:

  1. goodness.. where do u get da time. :P hehe
