Monday 24 September 2012

All's well that ends well.

Ok, so it's the worst day ever. You got up in the morning thinking it was Saturday, when it was actually monday. You missed the bus, which got your mom totally ticked off because she was late for some ladies meeting or something because she had to drive you in to school. Your teachers are exasperated with you, because you have so many assignments that you have little time to do your homework.


Sometimes it seems as if life really stinks. Here's a little hint: it does. Get over it. But it is also what you make of it. As long as it turns out ok, really, it is worth the bad moments. Because at the end of that worse day, there's always something that makes it awesome. It's usually something tiny that somebody does. They have no idea, but they make your day, and you should appreciate it. So concentrate on the little things that make your day, not on the big ones that break them!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Behold, my throne!

First off, right here, I will openly admit the fact that I take forever and a half in the shower. The steamy environment is perfect for thought and pondering about questions that don't need to be answered. Our shower is one of those mini showers with a seat in it for old people, which I have recently dubbed as my throne. The shower, previously thought to be only a place of getting clean, is obviously more than that. It is a place of serenity and ultimate wetness. The hot liquid that graciously rains down upon you as you blissfully ignore the pounding on the door of the bathroom is a type of therapy. The only problem is if you have curly hair, which makes shampooing simply a pain in the neck. Trust me, I know. The one thing lacking in most showers is a stereo, to play very relaxing and soothing music as you unwind after a long day. Of course, then your family would relentlessly pound on the door telling you to shut it off, in which case you would check to make sure the door is locked, then crank it so loud that it clears the steam out of the room. Oh, another fun thing about the shower: making faces in the mirror afterwards. Hint - never do this unless you are sure nobody is watching you.

Till the next post!

Friday 7 September 2012

You can never reach perfect, but you can get close!

You know what's good? Oreos. Dipped in milk. Preferably double-stuffed Oreos. However, although this may seem like the utmost and perfect combination, nothing can be perfect. The Oreo always drops approximately six and a half crumbs into the milk, depending on if you bit it first or not. Hence,(man, I like that word) nothing can be perfect. Oreos and milk is as close to perfect as you can get.
So what's my point? Well, aside from the fact that I am abnormally pointless,I would like to acknowledge and ponder on the fact previously stated on this post's title. Here are a few statements that prove my point.

- No matter how perfectly you sharpen your pencil, it never fails in the event that your tip will break or wear down, forcing you to re-sharpen it.

- Did I hear someone say "use a pen"?
Nay, nay, my friend, although a pen may seem like the perfect alternative, it is not. It will in time, run out of ink.

- No matter how much makeup she puts on, she will never be able to hide that one obstinate zit under her left eye.

- No matter how organized our mail system is, Canada Post never fails to continuously deliver your house's previous occupants mail to your address, although they moved out three years ago.

- No matter how much athletes practice, they still miss the net at least three times a game.

- Slamming that van door shut used to be the perfect way to reduce stress-then they went and invented the electric doors.

- Coffee at the beginning is the perfect morning beverage. Until you get to the last sip, which has all that scum in the bottom of the cup.

- No matter how delicate and perfect the frosting design on a cake is, it still provokes small children to stick their fingers into it and lick them repetitively.

- No matter how long you spend writing an English essay to the utmost perfection, your teacher will always find the one spelling mistake that cost you a 99%.

These are just some of the many thing that have the potential to be perfect, but are not, due to human incapability.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Some things I find ridiculous

If you have ever seen something so bizarre that it made no sense whatsoever, you know what I mean. Ideas, rules, objects, and even people who shouldn't exist. Well, the people should exist, but tell me, for example, what is the point of the ancient greeter lady at Wal-mart or Costco? Why don't they hire an attractive, younger girl or guy that people don't have to avoid when pushing their cart to the van?
The old lady with the blue hair handing out last weeks flyer to your dog isn't helping anybody.
Another thing I find exceptionally ridiculous is advertisements. Particularly the ones on the radio featuring a mattress sale for temperpedic mattresses. From sleep country. Why buy a mattress anywhere else? Because your ad not only frankly stinks, but it is played constantly over and over again, gumming up my song time. The second worst ads are those monotone-voice-no-background-music-lady-with-the-clogged-nose-ads. Usually for a dentist office grand opening or something equally boring.

Last pet peeve.

This is the big one.

Parents. Oh, yeah.

They are my parents, and I still love them and am grudgingly obliged to respect them and do what they want.
However, they are ridiculous. I don't mean totally illogical and inconsiderate, but sometimes they make no sense at all. If I sing songs around the house, my mom freaks out. If I skateboard, she complains it's too noisy. If I do anything, she will come up with a completely invalid excuse why I'm doing it wrong. Even if it's helping her.

Oh, and then there's dad. Get this straight - I'm not knocking him. He's an ok guy, he's by no means my enemy(mostly), and we agree on a lot of subjects.
Ties is not one of them. I hate ties. They feel like a totally useless item of clothing that does not need to be strangling you in church. But NOOO. I have to wear it and tuck my shirt in. The other thing is golf. He golfs. Terribly. I'm not saying I'm any better, because I'm a million times worse, but he has brainwashed himself into thinking he's a pro. In my opinion, which apparently stinks, golf is not a legitimate sport. It is a game. Like bowling. Or curling. Or scrabble. Hockey, soccer, baseball, and volleyball are sports. Golf, however, is a game.
That's my dad. He's a bit quirky, likes control, and has a bigger mouth than I do, but all in all he's alright.
My parents are, as parents go, pretty ridiculous.

Oh well, ya can't beat em' all!
When they finally decide to read my blog, they aren't gonna be happy. My mom will probably freak out. Hit the bomb shelter, we are under attack! My dad will snort and pretend he cares.

Till my next blog, cause this is way too long!