Monday 21 January 2013


It's that time of year again! All the teachers are in the mood for revenge. Not only do they give you reviews with the wrong information, but they also give you nice little side projects to drive you nuts with. They tell you that the exam is pretty easy. I don't know who they think they're kidding, but you and I both know that the exam is far from easy. Then when you go to take the exam, everything is all good until you see the essay question on the back which is worth basically half the points on the exam. This of course would be fine in the event that you knew what you had to write. However, this question deals with the thing you missed the ONE day that you were absent. Naturally. The teacher of course has the nerve to just sit up there at the front and smile at you and say : "tiiiiime's up! No more writing!". Then you leave, and after consulting your friends, come to the conclusion that you did indeed fail the test. Everyone gives you the same consolation : "Well, at least you still passed the course." At this statement you cringe and fake a smile, like this sick joke is actually funny. Maybe I will start a government petition or something to make exams illegal. Well, I should be studying right now, so see you!

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