Tuesday 31 July 2012

I've been thinking...

What have you thought about? What would you say if someone asked you that? What do you ponder the most? Do you concentrate on issues that need resolving? Or do you walk through old memories? Are you a logical thinker who has practical debates with yourself? Or are you a random daydreamer who doesn't care enough to be realistic? We all think, some more or less than others. I wonder if animals think about things. Maybe animals like dogs or any relatively intelligent animal. Thinking is good, the more you think when solving a problem, the less possibility of something going wrong. Of course, over thinking is a waste of time.

As the famous author that we all know, Dr. Seuss, once said: "Oh, the thinks you can think, if only you try!"

Heh, he's great.

I'll bet he does a LOT of thinking. In fact, Dr. Seuss is a good thinker. Einstein would never have matched his random subtle rhymes and creativity.

Wow, this post has been very random and pointless, but I THINK it was still fun. If you THINK it's dumb, that's ok! I THINK that what you THINK doesn't count! See how much THINKing I put into it? :)

Till next time- cheerio!

Sunday 22 July 2012

Beyond Awesome

If you know me, you know I say "awesome" a LOT. But what is awesome? Is awesomeness measurable? Is it a feeling? Is it what you think of someone, or what they think of you? To me, awesomeness is a thing beyond human comprehension. Its something that is undefinable.
However- here are some things that truly mean awesome to me.

Awesomeness is:

- The feeling you get when you have a fish on your line after hours of waiting.

- The puff of snow flying over your windshield as you snowmobile through deep drifts.

- The lights of a city, just begging you to skateboard through it.

- The stars in the sky on the clearest night of the summer.

- The THUMP of that giant subwoofer in the back of your crazy uncle's vehicle.

- The epic splat of a water balloon.

- The shower, after a long day of working.

- That feeling you get when you first get on the ice for a game of hockey.

- The wink smiley - ;)

- Beating the computer at a game of chess.

- When a song comes on the radio that you and your friends all know, so you sing along.

- Hitting that stupid fly with the flyswatter on your first try.

- Convertible red sports cars - windy ones.

- Snowboarding. Skateboarding. Wakeboarding. Anything boarding.

- The happy-go-lucky attitude of Kung fu panda.

- The colors flowing from the song "Paradise" by Coldplay.

- The humor bumper sticker rack in Canadian Tire.

That's just a few. Are you getting what I mean? Awesomeness. Pure awesomeness.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Employment Awesomeness.

Hey there, critically interested blog reader. Bored of all my lame posts and random thoughts? Too bad, there's more where that came from. So, what is the point of this post? Other than a waste of google's precious hard drive, it is slightly important. I got a new job! No more greenhouse crap this summer! How did this miraculous event take place? Well, my neighbor owns a welding shop, and a few days ago offered me a job working there. I bet you can guess my obvious answer. So for the week I've been grinding, cleaning, and lifting metal chunks here, there, and everywhere. It's lunchtime, so I'm frantically typing this out on my iPod so I can finish it before break is over. I'm such an idiot. Anyways, gotta roll!
If anyone actually reads this could you please +1 or like it? I need a bigger audience. :) I feel like I'm writing to nobody.

Sunday 15 July 2012

A Jonkman That I Know Of

This one's for Chantel. If you know Chantel, you know she is one of the sweetest, kindest, and generally awesomest people on the planet. However, there is a slight problem. She is sick. She was in the hospital for a while, and is now at home. I'm hoping you get better soon, and hope to see you soon! Hang in there, Chantel! You are in everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Friday 13 July 2012

Feeling like a farmer.

So for the past couple days I have been "haying" with the Naves at the Vis farm. Not being a farmer, I'm skinny and not really talented at working on the farm. However, Amanda has trained me on how to do the hay bales, throwing them on the elevator and stuff like that. So now I feel pretty hardcore. At first I thought it was going to be super hard work- turns out its not as bad as I thought it would be. It's been pretty hot out though. For all the farm boys out there, I give you credit. You work like dogs. However I'm no country boy. I'm a skater.

For the record, Amanda is probably the toughest girl I know. The way she works that farm is pretty neat. Makes me look like a child. Kevin's pretty fast too, bounding with enough energy to power Toronto for six and a half years.

Thursday 5 July 2012

New Blacktop

Look at that gorgeous pavement! We just got our driveway done. It's gonna be epic for hockey, basketball, and SKATEBOARDING!!

Monday 2 July 2012

Happy Canada Day!!!

This was last night at the Hannafords. Our Yps went there after church. Mr. H. set off a few firecrackers and whatnot. There were only a couple pictures that I actually GOT the fireworks in- oh well. Blame it on the iPod camera. Rode with Wessel and Jannet Koonstra on the way there. I don't know how THEY fit into that car- I'm lucky I'm short. Anyways, it was an epic night. Hoping you had a great Canada day!