Friday 19 October 2012

Or, we could talk about the weather...

In fact, why not? I haven't posted anything here in like forever and a half. Weather is a subject of concern, because it affects many things. Including tennis. Yesterday I played tennis in the rain and wind with our gym class. It frankly sucked. Today, however, had much better results, the sun peeking through the clouds a few times.
Weather would be cooler if they switched it up once in a while. Wouldn't it be interesting if it started raining something other than rain? What if one random day, it started raining dog food? Or money? Or Koolaid? Can you imagine?
Me and my ridiculous imagination.
It would still be totally awesome.
Well, I doubt that will ever happen.

Weather drives me crazy sometimes. Like when it snows at night in the first few weeks of winter, but all the snow has melted by mid-afternoon? That's depressing. Or when it rains all break time at school, but as soon as the bell rings, it's the cue for the sun to come out! Annoying.
So, now that you have my personal speculation on weather patterns, I have some news. I'm writing a book. I just finished the first chapter. It's a story in the future, told from a guy who tells about his mission for a cure for a disease that is wiping out humanity.
However, I don't really have a storyline, so I'm just making it up as I go. I'm debating on making a seperate blog in which I will post each chapter on when I finish them. We will see how it goes. Let me know what you think!

Until the next post!